Monday, January 2, 2012

The Word of the Day

I endeavored to get the carpets clean last week. Working with a house full of kids and pets makes that seem much more difficult than it should be but every few months, I rent a steam cleaner and go to town. This year, the dogs decided it would evidently be more entertaining if they completely obliterated the basement by using is at their personal potty, while I was out renting the aforementioned steam cleaner.

Needless to say, I was not a happy camper. Yet Lily really helped brighten my mood. Earlier in the week she had learned to use the words frustrating & stressful in a sentence. So while I was cleaning up dog messes she was pacing back and forth with her hands on her hips, saying "Ugh, this is so stress-rating". When I asked if she meant stressful OR frustrating, she simply replied "Yes".

Obviously, it was such a horrible situation that she had to combine the two words to make a more appropriate word describing stressful and frustrating situations...hahaha. Gotta love that creativity!

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