Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Little Bit of This & a Little Bit of That...

I just realized that it's been 2 months since my last Goober post. What a slacker I've been! And I'm sure I've missed blogging about some hilariously great moments. But I'll do my best to come up with something fabulous for all you Lily fans.

Her absolute favorite activity right now is puzzles. And I'm not talking 8-12 piece puzzles for 2 to 3 year olds. I'm talking 48 piece puzzles for ages 5+. The kid is a puzzle genius. Even those ridiculously hard puzzles that have two pictures on know, the weird holographic type pictures? Those are her favorite kind. And she'll sit and do them for hours. It's actually really impressive to watch her. She's is, quite literally, an amazing puzzle solver (you like my play on words here? hehehe).

Another new favorite? Somersaults. They're really not new. She'ss been doing them for almost a year. Except now she's doing them off furniture onto the floor. She lays on the arm of a chair, puts her hands on the floor, and proceeds to complete a perfect, smooth somersault. But apparently the chair was just child's play. Tonight she started doing it off the end of Mommy & Daddy's bed. Which is almost as tall as she is. This child has no fear! Talk about giving Mommy's nerves of steel a work out!

She also happens to have a memory like a steel trap. Lately she's been talking about things that happened months ago. Like when her friend Ellie colored on her arm the day before Easter (5 months ago) or when Santa came to our house on Christmas to play with her, Z, Leighton & Magaw Nita (10 months ago). She just comes out with completely random memories at completely random moments.

She loves to "talk" on the phone. She has numerous play phones that she uses constantly. She especially enjoys calling Shanna & Wes (Brandon's sister & bro-in-law). Listening to her have pretend conversations is so entertaining. You'd think she was really on the phone. "Hi Shanna. How are you? Oh? Mm-hmm. I see. Well, I have to go. Talk to you soon. Bye." Those are typical conversations. Last night, we shared at bed at my parents house and I was texting Brandon to tell him good night. The next thing I know, she's clicking away on a pretend cell phone next to me. When I asked her what she was doing, she responded with "I'm texting Shanna", finished clicking, held the phone to her ear and told Shanna "Hi Shanna. I was just texting you. Ok, talk to you soon. Bye". Really? Texting? What on earth is next for this girl?

And finally, today while she was hanging out with Papa Dale (Mommy & Nana were at garage sales all morning), she saw something on television that she evidently doesn't care for. So she turned to my dad and tells him "That aggravates me". He was pretty surprised. I mean, how many 3 year olds know words like aggravate AND can use them appropriately? I couldn't help but laugh. She really is soaking everything up and not letting a drop of it go.

So there's another glimpse into the life & times of Goober. She keeps up laughing, that's for sure! I'll do my best to make sure I capture many more Lily adventures. After all, who doesn't want to hear hilarious stories about a fabulous 3 year old?!

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