Monday, March 26, 2012

Spiderman & the Middle Name

A random conversation with Goober when she first woke up. She really wasn't awake yet, but this was pretty funny:
Lily: Is Spiderman coming today?
Me: Spiderman? (awkward silence as I try to think of an answer) No, he lives far away.
Lily: Where?
Me: New York City
Lily: Well, maybe he can go for a walk
Me: New York City is still too far away for him to walk to our house. He’d be really tired & it would take him a long time.
Lily: Hmm, then I hope he got lots of sleep in bed tonight!


One night Goober got frustrated because I wasn't coming to see what she wanted. I don't recall what she wanted me to look at but I'm pretty sure she was just trying to distract me from the fact that she was not cleaning her room like I asked. Shocking, right?

 So she kept calling for me and I kept telling her I'll come when she's done cleaning her room. Next thing I know she's saying "Mommy Anne, you get in here right now! I want to talk to you!" Evidently she meant business since she called me by her middle name. Obviously she must hear Lily Anne a little too often! lol

Friday, March 23, 2012


We took Lily fishing on Sunday after B got home from work. She had a blast! Aside from her fear of bugs, she had a great time reeling in her own fishing pole. Every time she would reel, she'd get so excited to see what she "caught." I've never seen a child more excited to reel in moss, leaves and the occasional stick.

At one point, as she was reeling, I hear "I think I caught something! Maybe a shark tooth. Or a whale!" At this point, she sees her hook. "Or maybe just a leaf." This was said with such a dejected sigh, I had a hard time not laughing. She was convinced she was going to catch a whale that day.

Helping Daddy bait the hooks.

Reeling in a whale! Or a leaf.

Every time I asked if she was having a fun, I would get a thumbs up.

Mommy & Goober

Two peas in a pod.

Future Diva In the Making

We seriously have a diva on our hands. As wonderful and loving as Goober is, she has some very high maintenance tendencies. She still a rough & tumble little girl who loves dinosaurs & Thomas the train, but every day I see more and more "girly" moments that just make me shake my head.

She has developed a serious fear of creepy crawlies. At this time last year, she would crouch down and observe any little bug that might cross her path, absolutely fascinated. Then she would stomp on them. Now she lets loose the most blood curdling scream you can imagine and runs in terror of anything resembling a bug. This includes the tiny ball of string that was laying on the carpet because the vacuum missed it. I thought she was going to have a heart attack, especially when I picked it up. I've taught her that Dora enjoys playing with the bugs and will protect her from all sorts of creepy crawlies when she goes to bed, so at least she isn't afraid to go to bed after a buggy encounter anymore.

She's also developed a fascination with Project Runway (One of my favorite reality shows-talk about divas!). She really only enjoys the runway portion of the show. She'll pretend that she's walking the runway like the models (which is adorable, but I still haven't managed to catch it on camera). If she sees an outfit she particularly enjoys, I have to rewind it several times so she can "critique" it, i.e.-telling me she likes it/doesn't like, if the colors look good, etc. It's hilarious. I may have future designer on my hands here! lol

After tucking her in for bed the other night, I sat in the living room talking to B. Out of nowhere, her door opens and she states " Stop talking that. I need peace of quiet so I can sleep!" She then proceeded to close her door & stomp to her bed.

We're having more & more of these "diva" moments. She's 3 going on 13-how in the world am I going to cope when she's actually a teenager?!?!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

So Many Moments, So Little Time

Once again, I'm behind in my Goober posts. However, I have found a way to capture (almost) all the moments. I finally created a document on my phone, so that I can write down whatever happens and save it for the time I have to post. Which means, in all honestly, I'll probably have several Goober moments to share per post. But I know her biggest fans really won't mind! ;)

#1-While playing dress up with her friends, Goober was trying to do something but feeling rushed. Evidently, the girls weren't giving her enough time to finish whatever she was working on. So she comes out of her room (dressed as a princess in a pirate hat), holds up her hand and says "Give me five patience!" before stomping back to her room. I interpreted this to mean "Give me 5 seconds. Have some patience.". She has a tendency to just throw sentences together to save time.

#2-Bath time songs. She loves to sing random, made up songs in the tub. A favorite lately is about Dora (her bathtub mermaid). It goes a little something like this:  "Dora is the mermaid of the week, the mermaid of the week, go Dora!". Not quite as funny when you read it, but every time I try to video tape her, she gets embarrassed and yells "Mommy, you aren't supposed to listen to me!".  She's very quickly coming to the stage where I can easily embarrass her. Can't wait until she's a teenager! hahaha

#3-Every once in awhile, she decides to fully embrace the character she is pretending to be. One night, she was pretending to be Lemon (from Strawberry Shortcake) and refused to answer to anything but Lemon. The next night, she would only answer to Kung Fu Panda. She even had some sassy Kung Fu Panda moves to go along with it, which you can see in the video below. At one point, she came at me from around the corner, did her moves and whispered "Kung Fu Panda" before quietly slipping back into the living room. Seriously, I don't where she gets this stuff...

#4-She loves to play dress up. It's one of her favorite things to do. And she loves to dress up as a princess. Heads up to all you fellow, anti-princess Mommies. No matter how hard you try to keep princesses out of your home, they will invade. I don't know how, or when, but it will happen. Anyway, while we were playing dress up one night, she refused to call me anything but Queen. Not Queen Mommy, or Mommy, simply Queen. And if I didn't act "queenly" enough, she called me out for it. She's a tough task master! She also refused to answer to anything but Princess.

#5-As a follow up to number 4, she has recently started talking in the 3rd person. Sometimes cute, most often annoying. For example, she either says "Lily wants chocolate (her code for milk)" or "Princess is hungry". Yes, my child refers to herself as Princess.
Now, for those who know me, this is somewhat painful. I am against the idea that girls are princesses and should be treated as beautiful, sweet, spoiled creatures who need to be rescued. I refuse to perpetuate the princess image that so many young girls fall prey too. I refused to let family buy her princess related items (no clothing, toys, books, or movies), she had never even heard of a Disney Princess until we watched Tangled, and she has yet to see Snow White, Aladdin, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty or any other Disney movie that insinuates that women need to be "rescued" by some man (prince or not). I absolutely refuse to call her princess, or anything princess related. I'm a pretty laid back parent (for the most part) but this is one of those things that just pushes a button with me.
Yet despite my anti-princess antics, she has still managed to soak in a love for things princess related. But she's a dinosaur loving, Lego building, pirate hat wearing princess, so I can deal with it. :)

#6-Lately, she's becoming (even more) independent. We've always done our best to make her appropriately self sufficient. That's starting to show even more. While we were going to the store, she informed me that she  didn't need Mommy to hold her hand in the parking lot because she was a grown up & grown ups don't need to hold hands. It took a lot for me not to bust out laughing, but I held it in. I love that she's comfortable expressing herself with me and that she knows I'll let her explore how she sees the world, as long as she's safe.

#7-While watching tv with her Magaw Linda & Grandpa Dan, she noted that it was 'moony' on the show. You know, it's sunny when the sun is out and moony when the moon is out. You gotta love how this kid thinks!

Hope you all enjoyed catching up with Goober's most recent antics. Hopefully I'll have more to update soon!