Saturday, December 24, 2011

Where did my baby girl go?!

So, every year for Christmas we take a picture of Lily in front of the tree. She's worn the same Santa hat since she was barely 5 months old in each picture. Tonight, we pulled out the Santa hat, placed it onto her cute little head & I realized that she won't be wearing that Santa hat next year. After 4 Christmas', she's finally outgrown it.

And I suddenly had a total Mommy moment. Where did that sweet little baby go? 3 years has flown by in what seems like the blink of an eye. I know every Mommy has moments where they just realize it's going by way to quickly. Well, tonight was one of those moments for me. My sweet little baby is now an entertaining and energetic, imaginative and very creative 3 year old. I figured tonight was the perfect night for a quick trip through memory lane. I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I do!

5 months, 4 days old

1 years, 5 months, 4 days old. We had to bribe her with candy to sit still for 10 seconds...

2 years, 5 months, 4 days. Growing so fast.
3 years, 5 months, 4 days old. My sweet little girl is growing up fast!
As an added bonus, here's a picture from tonight while she was decorating cookies!

What a cutie!
Looking back at the last 3 years, it's easy to see how truly blessed we are. I have a wonderful little family (complete with 2 crazy dogs & an even crazier kitty) and have so much to be thankful for. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and holiday season with their loved ones.

Merry Christmas!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Talking in her sleep...

The older Goober gets, the more she talks in her sleep. It tends to run in my family. My middle brother has always talked in his sleep. Heck, he and my cousin would have sleep-talking conversations while on hunting trips with my G-pa and Uncle. So it's really no surprise that Lily has inherited this trait.

This week it has been especially entertaining, however.

On Monday night, she started crying and whining so I went to check on her. She was sitting up in her bed, asleep, and mumbling to herself. When I asked her what was wrong she told me "I just want to see the sun!", with big tears rolling down her cheeks. I told her she would see the sun in a few hours and to lay back down. She did, I covered her up and back to sleep she went. No big deal.

A couple nights later, it's the same thing. She's crying and crying, so I go to check on her again. Only this time it's much worse. I go through the routine "what's wrong, let's lay down, it's ok" but she won't stop crying. And the big issue tonight? When I asked her to tell me why she was upset, she wails "I just want big savings!"

Oh. Big savings. I even repeated what she said to make sure that's what she wanted. And yep, it was. My daughter was crying in her sleep over big savings. She finally calmed down enough to sleep, but only after crying and mumbling for several more minutes. Over big savings.

I'm curious to see where the next sleep-talking episode takes us but I'm not sure anything will live up to the humor of big savings.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Oh the imagination of my child...

So, a few weeks back Goober and I were driving in the car, heading down to visit my parents. At some point, Lily got pretty emotional and started crying. When I asked her why, she told me her fingers were fighting and wouldn't get along. Not really sure where this was going, I asked her which fingers were fighting and she showed me her pointer & middle finger on her left hand and said that her pointer finger was mad at her middle finger because they were too close and he needed some space. Huh. Who knew fingers could disagree? Certainly not me!

I was kind of dumbfounded, so I simply told her to tell her fingers that there was plenty of room for everyone and to get along. And she did. She pointed at those two fingers and told them exactly what I told her. Then she tacked on a "No more fighting. Be nice to your friends!" for good measure. Apparently, fingers need some tough love sometimes too.

This leads up to today. During quiet time (we don't call it nap-that would create a meltdown of epic proportions!), Brandon heard Goober talking in her room. When he went to investigate, Goob told him that those same 2 fingers were in time out because they were pinching. She showed him how she put them in time out (by putting her fingers together and pushing down on her bed) and how they were pinching (by grabbing her wrist and squeezing gently).

All I can say is, yep she's my kid. Her imagination is outrageous, her creativity knows no bounds. I wouldn't change her for the world. But I'm not quite sure how I'll handle the next finger dispute...

Friday, December 9, 2011

It's been awhile, so here are a few treasures from the past few weeks...

While playing with the kids downstairs, Lily responded to a comment with "That's what she said". Wonder where she learned that?! ;)

She believes I have a direct line to Santa. She has requested that I call him at home, just so Santa knows exactly what she wants for Christmas.

She can burp like a grown man. I was shocked the other day when she let one go for close to 10 seconds. Then I gave her a hi-five, because let's be honest, she definitely gets that from me.

She has a definite flair for the dramatic. Now when she gets hurt while playing, I hear "I hurt myself. I'm not gonna make it" along with tears and screaming. You know when she's really hurt, because she doesn't say anything. But those minimal, and even fake, injuries? She's just not gonna make it.

She has been requesting "Camerica Idol" on the t.v. Apparently, she loves American Idol and can't wait for the new season.

She has been crawling up and down the stairs, groaning "Mom, turn around" for the past two days. When I asked why, she told me it was because she's Candace from 'Phineas & Ferb',  and she's trying to bust her brothers. Evidently, the episode where Candace has a broken foot really resonated with

I'll do my best to keep up with more Goober gems...I know there are wayy to many that I've missed but I hope you all enjoyed these!