Let's just say that Lily Anne has developed a very eccentric personality since she turned 2. And now that she can express her ideas and opinions-look out! She knows exactly how she wants things done and lets you know when you aren't falling in line. 2 is definitely not my favorite, but it is still a fun age.
We're currently working on potty training. This has felt like a never ending battle! BUT, something seems to have clicked in the past two days and we're finally having some big success on the potty...yay!! Yes, there are still accidents & mishaps along the way, but she's learning to be proud of going on the potty and that's a step in the right direction. :)
She has the most amazing manners for a 2 year old. She says please & thank you for nearly everything, bless you when someone sneezes...it's the cutest thing. She cracks me up. In addition to these sweet manners, her favorite thing is telling whoever is bothering her to "hush your mouth". Don't know where that came from, and it shouldn't be funny, but it is. Lily is a trip!
She's still very much a Mommy's girl & requires me to Corduroy at bedtime each night...twice!
Our most recent adventure? We were on our daily walk just a few days ago, and Lily dropped the garage door opener. I didn't think anything of it, until we got home and couldn't open the garage door! So we were stuck outside (thankfully it was gorgeous out!) until Brandon could take a break from work to come home and let us in. Anyway, Lily kept our neighbor company as he worked in the yard for awhile and we were back inside by the time an hour had passed. As a reward for Brandon, I made him my special peanut butter cookies. So all in all it was a fun adventure. But not one we'll be repeating anytime soon!